
HOPV 2021

July 13, 2021
Sunset through the trees over Flowerdale Lagoon

Our Italian company, Halocell Solar Italy, is a long term sponsor of the HOPV (Hybrid and Organic PhotoVoltaic) international conference. The conference is the main yearly scientific event in the field of third generation solar.

The conference presents the newest developments in the field of Perovskite SolarCells and is also a display event for Halocell Energy products. Every year Halocell Solar Italy has presented an invited talk where the newest materials are released and where the latest pieces of equipment are introduced to the participants.

This year the conference was held online due to the global COVID issues. The Zoom setting prevented face to face meetings but it also allowed a much larger researcher base to participate compensating for the loss of interaction in-person.

There were around 450 delegates from all over the world and several very relevant keynote speakers including Prof Michael Graetzel (EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH), Prof Juan Bisquert (Institute of Advanced Materials, INAM, Universitat Jaume I, ES).

The talks highlighted a relevant trend toward industrialisation topics, in particular there seems to be more attention directed towards durability studies. Stability is perceived as the main barrier to commercialisation of outdoor products.

From a marketing perspective the venue has been invaluable as usual, with Dr. Luca Sorbello, Marketing Manager for the Halocell Energy group providing an industrial presentation in the main session introducing the company materials portfolio.

Luca also introduced the latest addition to the solar simulator field, the HYPERION Series IV Solar simulator. It is a LED A+A+A+ solar simulator developed by Halocell Solar Italy based on a revolutionary design.

Halocell also had a virtual booth during the conference where many interactions with customers and researchers occurred.

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Director, Chairman of Halocell Europe

Luca Sorbello

Luca Sorbello holds a Master of“Business Organization and Management” and PhD from the Engineering Management school at Tor Vergata.
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